Monday, April 11, 2016

Rick Kelo - Why Capitalism Works

Rick Kelo is an adamant believer in the capacity of capitalist systems of organization to improve individual lives and communities through expansion and growth and frequently shares these opinions on his Twitter page. Rick Kelo on Twitter has argues extensively for the delimiting of state and federal operation so that the market can thrive unimpeded by regulations and often points to economic zones where this absence of state control has allowed industry to thrive and the quality of life to improve across the board. Indeed, Rick Kelo is extremely vocal concerning the negative effects that he believes an excess of state interference is directly responsible for.

A geographical location used by Rick Kelo as a tool with which to examine the immediate effects of capitalist modes of organization is that of the African continent, where many countries have either been denied access to capitalist thought or are just launching into the preliminary phases of this organization at this historical moment.

A case by which Rick Kelo is fascinated with is that of Botswana, which he contrasts with its neighboring country, Zimbabwe, making the point that whilst Botswana adopted capitalism and limitless free trade, Zimbabwe was the ground for Marxist systems of political and economic organization. He examines the economic differences that this has led to. When President Mugabe came into power during the 1980s, Zimbabwe’s GDP per capita declined consistently and in the opinion of Rick Kelo this decline is the result of a socialist system of economics with high taxation on those who are earning and wealth distribution among-st the poorest classes. This meant that Zimbabwe was plunged into the worst ravages of monetary inflation and widespread poverty.

However, Botswana embraced capitalism and subsequently embraced success. Though Zimbabwe has remained a poor nation, Botswana has flourished and the standard of living has risen for all members of the country. Unregulated markets encourage the growth of business and the appearance of business creates jobs across the board: if people are able to work they are able to improve their economic situation and purchase the goods necessary to their survival, thus putting money back into the economy. According to Rick Kelo, since Botswana adopted capitalism and free trade it has experienced the highest level of economic growth than that of any other nation in the world, even outdoing China! For Rick Kelo, this is evidence of why capitalism works and is the most effective system of economic and political organization.