Thursday, June 30, 2016

Rick Kelo- Rising Minimum Wage the Fast Track to Increasing Unemployment

The issue of minimum wage is a thorny one, and has kept the minds of economic thinkers and academics ticking for decades. The basic and most common approach to take when viewing this issue for many is to state that a higher minimum wage is better as people have the right to be able to earn a decent amount of money. Whilst the sentiment is certainly true, people who peddle this point of view often overlook the huge economic ramifications that increasing minimum wages could have on an economy and society. Rick Kelo is one man who know this too well. 

As an MBA in economics and finance, Rick Kelo has developed an intriguing online platform in which he presents his arguments and criticisms of modern economics and politics through a historical lens. Minimum wage is a topic that Rick Kelo often likes to engage, and help elaborate the argument for the readers who often simplify a very complex economical issue.

Again, a common misconception of minimum wage is that if it is higher, more people have money, and more spending power, therefore driving local business and enterprise and in turn increasing economic activity. Whilst this would be a dream scenario for all, scholars like Rick Kelo recognize this is not truly the case. Click here to learn more about the Ceteris Paribus - Economics from the Austrian & Monetaristtraditions

Rick Kelo belongs to a school of thought of the Austrian and Monetarist traditions, and often quotes great thinkers such as John Locke and Ludwig von Mises in his discussions. As he sees it, actually increasing minimum wage causes companies' costs to significantly increase, losing profits and looking for ways to cut costs. This could come in the form of lessening the quality of the product all the way to trying to automate systems to save money on expensive wages.

Rick Kelo perfectly illustrates this point in a simple yet effective bog post. He photographs the effects rising minimum wage has on increasing unemployment, and uses McDonald's as a prime example of this. ON having to have increased their minimum wage, a corporation turned to technology to automate their cash desk and order systems- the result being a huge lay-off of workers from their restaurant across the country. It is posts like this that have made Rick Kelo hugely popular online, with his ability to translate complex economic issues through a simpler lens, making the debate more accessible to more people. Want more information? Click here Rick Kelo – Newsvine.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Rick Kelo - Sourcing the Brightest Potential for the Future

 Experience in one asset that in business and enterprise can prove to be more valuable than any other skill. Using this experience can be hugely advantageous when trying to gain advantage over competitors, turn a sinking ship around, or ensure a company employs the most effective staff. Rick Kelo understands this value more than most, and has been able to use his experience taken from his vast portfolio of work to help many a business. A highly-educated, result-driven and determined professional, Rick Kelo is currently the Head Tax recruiter at the exciting company TaxScout Inc. His reputation has seen him become one of the keenest eyes for the hottest talent in the business. Here we'll take a look at what makes Rick Kelo such an experienced and successful talent acquisition manager.
Rick Kelo received the highest honors available in all the higher-education fields he  has completed, from his degree at the prestigious West Point Academy to his MBA at Chicago. He graduated from university many years ago now, however, Rick Kelo never lost his eye for critical thinking, something which is clear to see when reading his compelling and interesting blog. What is fascinating about Rick Kelo's online meditations, is that he comes across as a man prepared to ask the questions that no one else will- a modern risk-taker. If you translate such an invaluable skill to the world of recruiting, you can see why it has brought him so much success in his distinguished career. Being able to ask questions about and of a potential employee that others may fail to think of when recruiting, Rick Kelo is able to seek out deeper seated personality strengths and flaws, and can ensure that he recruits the best talent for the companies that he works for. This has made him one of the most sought after talent acquisition hunters in the country.
Rick Kelo is a proud man is has always strived to perform to the best of his abilities, and sees the personal benefits of being able to match talented individuals to potentially prosperous businesses. He has created quite the online following in recent years, of those who value his political, economic and social insights, that help reflect a world we may otherwise not see. He holds an admirable ideological stance, and ensures that those he recruits too follow along some kind of ethical pathway, leading the companies he works for to have the very best of talent at all times. To find out more check out About Rick Kelo.