Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Rick Kelo and The Laffer Curve

Imagine, you work 50 hours a week. You’re exhausted. You hate your coworkers and your boss is a jerk. Not to mention, all your income is going to your taxes. So you decide, I’m just going to watch YouTube while I’m at work and everyone else can just go stuff it. Now imagine, all those things are still in place, but you’re income is higher due to low taxes. So you’re working hard to bring home the bacon. This is an example of the Laffer Curve.

The Laffer Curve was created by Chicago economist, Arthur Laffer, in 1974 when he first drew up the idea on a paper napkin while discussing the United States economy with the senior staff members of President Gerald Ford’s administration. At the time, many economists believe that the government needed to spend more in order to stimulate demand for products. Laffer argued that it wasn’t too little demand, rather heavy taxes on income impeded production and government revenue. The more money taken from an income, the less motivated the common man became to produce a demand. However, Rick Kelo, a tax industry professional with over ten years experience, believes that the highest point of the Laffer Curve may maximize revenue, but it may be destroying some amount of economic growth.
The Laffer Curve in 1974 led to one of the biggest tax cuts of the century in the United States, however currently fails to resolve the current economy. It is simplistic in assuming that there is a single tax rate and a single labor supply when in reality the systems of public finance are complex. Furthermore, the Laffer Curve does not take into account the tax avoidance taking place, which means that the highest point may be farther right on the curve than thought. And to add fuel to the fire, a survey went out to economists in 2012 with the question “if there were a cut in federal income tax rates in the US right now, would it raise taxable income enough so that the annual total tax revenue would be higher within five years than without the tax cut”? 71% disagreed with this idea and no one agreed.

Rick Kelo believes that if the dollars taken by higher taxes are saved, the economy would enlarged and there would be a potential for raising overall wages. However, if those dollars are redirected to the government sector, then everything will be consumed rather than saved. More information on economics and Rick Kelo can be found on Rick Kelo on issu.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Rick Kelo- The Myth of Minimum Wage

Minimum wage is one of the most hotly contested issues in the political and public sphere. Few issues divide workers and organizations more than this. Whilst, from a humanitarian point of view, a high minimum wage seems like a triumph for human rights and progress, it may also have negative effects in the long run for the economy of a nation. In turn, whilst people on minimum wage may be better off in the short run, a crumbling economy is not good for anybody involved. This is why modern classical liberal scholars such as Rick Kelo are using the internet to voice their concerns about the major political issues of the day.

You can earn more about Classic Liberalism by Rick Kelo on his excellent and insightful bog. The executive tax recruiter, who graduated with an MBA in economics and finance, is a prolific online figure. Rick Kelo runs an impressive blog on which he posts articles analyzing and discussing the pitfalls of modern governments economic policies. IN a recent post he took on the debate of minimum wage. As mentioned, many people see minimum wage as a triumph for human rights, and a fight against the exploitation of cheap labor by ruthless and profit-centric organizations However, as analyzed by economics experts like Rick Kelo, the effects on the economy can be disastrous in the long run, particularly on things like unemployment.

Here Rick Kelo outlines one major example that is visible in every major Western country in the world. If a compulsory minimum wage is raised and enforced, then businesses naturally seek to cut costs in the business to ensure their profits remain high and the shareholders satisfied. One go to solution is to embrace new technologies that can do the work of the employees, such as at supermarkets. Nearly every supermarket is equipped with self service checkouts, and many fast food restaurants are following suit. As this becomes a growing trend in companies' attempt to cut operational costs, then naturally hundreds of thousands of people become unemployed. This creates a giant hole in the job market, and can have hugely detrimental effects on the economy.

For Rick Kelo - Tax Recruiter, it s understanding concepts like this that public need to be made aware of before making rash decision on issues that seem like a good idea at first. For Rick Kelo, reintroducing classic liberal economics back into the public consciousness is the best way to fight this, something he is doing in exemplary fashion.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Richard Kelo - Tax Recruiter with Economic Awareness

For professionals like Richard Kelo, it is important to be thorough in all aspects of his industry. As a specialist tax recruiter, he sees it as part of his role to maintain a thorough understanding of the economy and what the effects of taxation are on individuals and companies alike. Hi role requires expert pairing of tax professionals with corporations who are most in need of their expertise, and it is his working belief that a holistic knowledge and involvement in the industry is important for his success in his career.

After looking at Richard Arthur Kelo Reviews on TrustLink, it is evident that this approach works. His clients, both candidates and companies, appreciate the knowledge that he brings to any discussion of roles and hurdles which companies may face in terms of taxation. Kelo does not limit these interests to his work with TaxScout inc. A keen observer of the current economic status, he contributes many articles online on the subject of the economy and tax. Kelo describes himself as a classical libertarian in terms of political philosophy. That is, he believes in high economic liberty for the individual. This means greater choice, greater movement and less of a restriction on trade. With these views in mind, his clients can be secure that he has their best interests at heart, concurrent with his beliefs.

At the moment TaxScout Inc has recently expanded to Atlanta, seeing great opportunity there to find tax professionals for Atlanta’s many large corporations who will seek to minimize their issues with corporation tax. It is currently one of the most respected tax specialist recruitment firms in the United States. Kelo can therefore extend his expertise across the country, as he can with his online presence. Espousing the view that the average person would do well to better educate themselves regarding economic issues and ideologies of the past that are just as relevant today, Kelo’s discussions centre around the libertarian thinkers in history alongside present day examples of how greater freedom would be the result of lower tax.

In Richard Arthur Kelo Chicago IL, reviews on Manta.com offer an example of someone who has been adversely affected by the recession. The company claim that even though the taxation job market has been badly affected by the recession, and finding good talent is harder than ever, Kelo did his utmost to ensure that he delivered candidates who are similarly up to date with the contemporary concerns of organizations.