Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Rick Kelo - A Man Putting the Practice into the Preach

It can be difficult in this day an age to live a life that adhere to your personal morals and ethics. Many hold ideological beliefs about politics, economics and the general sociological functioning of society that they are unable to translate into their professions. No one can blame such people, as the economic demands of living a comfortable life are more volatile than ever. However, one man who has been able to find the balance, is outspoken liberal thinker and revered tax recruiter Rick Kelo.
And you can find a wonderful representation of classical liberal thoughts on Rick Kelo's blog. He uses his online presence to echo the voices of the ages if you will, coming from the same intellectual tradition as great thinkers such as Benjamin Franklin, John Locke and Ludwig von Mises. A running theme in Rick Kelo's insightful and thought-provoking articles is the warning he articulates of governments over stepping their power boundaries. The warnings of the dangers of ideological concepts such as socialism take prevalence in Rick Kelo's pieces, and he sees this particular ideological movement as having had terrible effects on those countries who utilized it in the past.
The problem with many modern governments, is for Rick Kelo and those within his schools of thought, is that many of their policies restrict and hamper the potential prosper of the individuals and the economy. Taxes are one aspect Rick Kelo uses to emphasis this. By placing high taxes on corporations and citizens, the government is inadvertently taking potential disposable income from families, and using it to spend money in a way it wishes. In may ways, it would seem, this is the reverse of the 'Robin Hood effect'. For classical liberal thinkers such as Rick Kelo, this is not only bad for the economy but also a bad precedence towards the dilution of the private sector.
Rick Kelo has worked as a head recruiter in the exciting advisory tax service TaxScout in previous years- a natural progression it would seem if his political and economic thought is anything to go by. Through his role, Rick Kelo hopes he can understand the tax industry more, keep the increasingly far-reaching arms of governments at bay, and educate the world on the dangers such processes bring. To find out more check out about Rick Kelo.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Rick Kelo - Speaking The Truth of The Ages

'The only legitimate purpose of government is protection of individual rights'. These powerful words were tweeted by Rick Kelo, alongside the American Bill of Rights- a powerful message to not only governments but citizens of our time. People are more weary than ever that governments seem to be infringing, rather than protecting our civil rights, and liberal economic and social thinkers like Rick Kelo are at the forefront of the movement to remind us of this. Having graduated with an MBA from the prestigious University of Chicago, alongside his career work he has build a wide readership of his thoughts on the Internet. He regularly publishes articles expressing his views on political, economic and social theory in the modern world, and is a regular contributor to the academic forum
A recurring theme in Rick Kelo's blog and writings are the warnings of over-socialist societies, and their tendencies to want to give more power to the government; taxes being a prime example of government intervention. The government's ability to be able to pool huge resources of money via taxation, and spend it as they wish is seen by many as a dangerous precedent to overly centralized government control. As one of Mr. Kelo's heroes once stated, 'It would be a hard government that should tax its people one-tenth part of their income'.
Following this line of thought it is understandable as to why Mr. Kelo decided to dedicate his future to working in the tax industry. He has long held the belief that those most affected by centralized government control, especially high tax rates, are the average working-class citizen, who see a large portion of their hard-earned money taken from them and spent in a way they have no control over. Mr. Kelo's altruistic nature is exposed here, and aims to help the people he sees as being most damaged by the system. This provided the fuel for him to recently begin his new business venture Tax Scout, Inc., a specialty-recruiting firm that works primarily in the area of taxation.
Mr. Kelo's experience and breadth of knowledge in consulting and advising people on how to best understand the complicated and misleading world of taxes have helped build his reputation as one of the leading figures and thinkers in the world of taxation and finance. His business concerns it seems will never take precedence over the liberal economic and social theories he abides to, which can be seen in his recent ventures into helping people in the world of taxation and finance. You can find out more at Rick Kelo- Tax Recruiting.