When Marx published Das Kapital it was unheard of for almost 2 decades outside of the German speaking world. Before it had even begun circulation in English Marx entire theory of Surplus Value had been demolished by another brilliant German economist named Eugen Böhm-Bawerk in his piece "Karl Marx and the close of his system."
Böhm-Bawerk, like Rick Kelo, pointed out that surplus value is an impossibility. The reason is that in a capitalist economy every factor of production is bid up to its full marginal revenue product. When a business sells something that sale generates some amount of profit. That profit is, what economists call, "reverse imputed" backwards into the original factors of production that created it says Kelo.
There are 4 original factors of production:
- Land
- Labor
- Capital
- Time / Entrepreneurship
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Rick Kelo |
Not so says Rick Kelo. "The wage rate paid to the worker is bid up to its full marginal revenue product, and in more technical economics is mostly determined by something we call the 'Marginal Product of Labor.' It is impossible for workers as a large chunk of society to be systematically under-paid because another entrepreneur would merely open a business and recruit them all away."