Thursday, September 8, 2016

Rick Kelo- Answering for the 2008 Global Economic Crash

One of the pressing questions in America over the past 8 years has been what caused the 2008 global economic crash. Few people outside of those with extensive finance and economic schooling and inside information can answer this accurately. Since that time, we have been analyzing the markets and build up to it, to find out exactly what went wrong. For academic and comprehensive answers to such pressing questions, any people today turn to Quora, the online question and answer forum. It is a great place for users to get answers to questions such as this from the experts, and get informative, unbiased and reflective answers.

You can find out about Rick Kelo - Understanding the Complexities of the Economy Video on Vimeo here. Rick Kelo is a classical liberal economist who has built a reputable online reputation. Quora is just one of the many outlets he uses to help educate readers on the current and past economic environments. His articles have proven t be hugely successful, and elevated him to legendary status among others in the same school of thought as he is.

Rick Kelo graduated with an MBA from Chicago University specializing in economics and finance. In this time, he soon found that the ideas of great thinkers such as John Locke, Benjamin Franklin and Ludwig von Mises had the best explanations on how a society should conduct itself and face the questions of economics. Naturally this pools Rick Kelo in the classical liberal economics school of thought, in which he is now an active advocate of.

For Rick Kelo, the economic environment leading up to the crash was caused by poorly thought through government policies, and complacency on the part of the federal finance institutions. If this is not worrying enough for readers, Rick Kelo goes on to suggest that the governments sway towards socialist economic policies means that within the next two years we will see a similar event. For thinkers like Rick Kelo, having a free market economics model, such as those employed in forward-thinking and prosperous models as implemented in Botswana for example, is the key to allowing the economy to thrive. IN doing this, the chances of economic crashes become slimmer, and offer a solution to making a more profitable and comfortable economy for everyone. Follow Rick Kelo on Tumblr to hear more about his ideas and articles.

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