Thursday, July 28, 2016

Rick Kelo- A responsive and Responsible Voice of Reason

Building up an online presence is not as easy as it may first appear. The internet has provided a platform for thinkers, educated individuals and intellectuals to make their voices heard among the wider public, and help shape the future of popular opinion. The chance to create videos, write articles and open discussions is hugely important in the digital age, especially in liberal democracies. Rick Kelo is one such thinker who has used the internet platform to make his voice heard- with articulate, entertaining and nuanced writings that help frame his classical liberal economist narrative.

A good example of his online presence is Rick Kelo on Quora. The academic questions and answers forum has proven to be one of the most interesting type of websites conceived on the internet. People looking for more in depth answers to engaging questions can post them on the website. Educated individuals like Rick Kelo can respond t any, but usually specialize in their subject fields- with their flairs indicating their profession. The Quora forum is the perfect example of academics and the public coming together to open a dialogue on important issues- everything from literature and current affairs, to music, film, economics and politics.

The question has long been asked of how to engage the public with the minds and thoughts of more educated individuals, whose ideas were for so long confined to the depths of academia. Quora has provided the perfect response to this. Rick Kelo enjoys taking advantage of this platform to use his educational background to help others come to terms with the complexities and importance of various economic issues.

It s not only via Quora that Rick Kelo is able to engage with curious economic investigators. On his website, which he publishes his meditations on the economics and government policy, he opens the platform up for discussion among readers. Rick Kelo always engages with those who leave comments, by clearing up issues, responding to further questions, and debating important topics. For Rick Kelo - A Leaderon Level-, the internet has provided the perfect platform from which he can make his educated voice heard, and share his ideas about the best way to secure economic prosperity for this great nation.

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