Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Rick Kelo – Social Media and Power in the United States

One of the most drastic and obvious changes in our recent society has been the rise of social media and the digital age. Thanks in large part to the millennial generation, people are more connected than ever before with seemingly constant access to the thoughts, goals, inspirational moments, and opinions of others. For many, this rise in the information era has been overwhelming. There is a massive amount of information coming in from various channels on a daily basis. Younger generations are experts at filtering this information and have actually been using it in unique ways for education and news. More than ever before, individuals are turning to the web and social media for articles about important topics in our nation. Those relatively few people who have realized the power of social media are at a stark advantage over those who haven’t yet caught on.

For economist and financial expert RickKelo, using online presence as social service is the primary goal of his personal blog. On his blog, he posts articles sharing his opinions as well as factual information about the state of the American economy and our political structure. This type of blogging has two huge benefits for our society. First, it is using a format (blogging) that is modern and allows for the quick dissemination of information. It is much easier to forward someone a link to an article or post through social media and email than it is to cut an article out in the newspaper and send it through the United States Postal Service. News is traveling at unprecedented speeds and social media is the only form of media that can keep up with it.

The second benefit this has for society is that these blogs and social media outlets are reaching some of the youngest generations of Americans. Because social media has largely been championed by the millennial generation, those who have tapped into it and used it as a platform for sharing their points of view are gaining many millennial followers. When you consider the fact that the average American knows less about politics now than ever before in the history of our country, this type of blogging is crucial for educational purposes.

For Rick Kelo, education is a priority and that is why his articles are not geared towards economic experts, but average individuals. With articles like “Socialism and Star Wars”, his blogs are easy to read and entertaining for everyone. For more information on Rick Kelo and his economic philosophies, visit his personal blog or any of his social media outlets.

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